First Impressions

Job Applications, Meetings and Interviews


Old saying – "You don't get a second chance to make a first impression."

It’s true! It’s also true that in your career you’ll often meet new people.

If you want to make sure that the first impression you leave is a positive one, do this course.


The course is based on real-life situations and conversations when meeting new people and talking about your or their background, education, and career.

After you’ve done this course, you will have:
  • an extended set of perfectly "native" phrases, phrasal verbs and expressions well settled in your memory and ready for you to include effortlessly next time you introduce yourself in English

  • Learnt to avoid some expressions often used by foreigners which sound odd to native speakers

  • mastered specialist technical legal English terminology in relation to the topic
This is an educational quiz that is also fun to do! Not only that, but it comes with a money back guarantee - if you don’t like the course, you can get your money back within 30 days of purchase by emailing alan@english4lawyers.com.


Jane is a solicitor in a large London firm of international lawyers. Noriko works in their Tokyo office, but has been seconded to London.

She’s worked with Jane on a very fast-moving transaction, but they didn’t have time to get to know each other. The transaction concluded a few days ago and now they decide to have coffee together.

In the last section, after Jane and Noriko have finished, we find an Italian lawyer talking to an English lawyer about her firm (see below).

Testimonials ... Junior Thai lawyer at international firm

An opportunity to gain a better understanding of the general concept of common law and how to communicate in English effectively, including grammar structures, and frequent word choice mistakes.

Former Senior Partner, Magic Circle Firm, Berlin

I found your quizzes entertaining and helpful as they not only point out and help to avoid very common mistakes but also provide a glimpse into the English legal system, if not thinking (sometimes not so straight forward for someone from a civil law background).

In particular younger lawyers from what you might call “the rest of the world” who are still on their English language learning curve and eager to work their way into understanding international legal documents etc. will benefit.

© 2024 - Alan ML Jones, London - alan@english4lawyers.com